Watch D.O.G.S. - Dads of Great Students
What is Watch D.O.G.S.
WATCH D.O.G.S.©, is a K-12 program, that invites fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or other father figures to volunteer at least one day, all day, to join their child’s/student's at school during the school year. Watch DOG volunteers perform a variety of tasks during their volunteer day including monitoring the school entrance, assisting with unloading and loading of buses and cars, monitoring the lunch room, or helping in the classroom with a teacher's guidance by working with small groups of students on homework, flashcards, or spelling.
WATCH D.O.G.S.© began in 1998 in a single school in Springdale, Arkansas and has since grown into a nationally recognized program that has brought hundreds of thousands of fathers and father figures into our nation’s classrooms and hallways. Read more about the program at