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PBIS-Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

What is PBIS?

PBIS is a positive, proactive approach to encouraging and acknowledging expected behaviors within the school. The PBIS initiative is an on-going process that will continue to develop in the months and years to come. We make decisions based on the needs of our students and our school.

Why do we need PBIS?

PBIS ensures that all students are taught the same expectations and procedures. All too often, different teachers or different grade levels have different guidelines. For example, one teacher may allow her students to walk as a group and talk in the hallway; another teacher may expect her students to walk silently in a straight line. If a child is transferred from one teacher to the other, of course, there will be confusion. A student could be disciplined for something that was totally acceptable in a previous class. We are committed to preventing this type of occurrence at Nursery Road. EVERY child in EVERY class will have the same expectations. By knowing exactly what they should be doing, our students will be empowered. We focus on using common language and consistency and that is what makes PBIS effective!

How do we implement PBIS?

1. We identify common areas where clear expectations are needed using school collected data.
2. We establish a set of teachable expectations for all students, faculty and staff using a common language for each area.
3. We teach, practice, and positively reinforce these expectations.
4. We encourage all students by looking for the positives and providing immediate, frequent, and detailed feedback.

Where will we begin our PBIS focus?

We have been using principles and concepts of PBIS within the classroom.
These are our initial areas of focus, but we are committed to using PBIS schoolwide.

How is Nursery Road using PBIS?

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•Hall of Fame Awards 

What are the Hall of Fame Awards?          

Hall of Fame is an opportunity for NRES - AM staff to recognize and celebrate positive student actions that reflect Habit of Heart behaviors.  Throughout the school year staff members have the privilege to nominate current 4K-5th grade Nursery Road Elementary students who have shown one or more of the following Habit of Heart behaviors:

     -showing care and concern and taking responsibility for themselves and others
     -being patient and understanding when solving problems with others
     -practicing respect for themselves and others
     -being courageous and standing up for themselves and others

How do I find out if my child has been nominated?

If your child is nominated he/she will be given an invitation inviting you to the Hall of Fame Award Ceremony.  Most likely, your child will show you the invitation immediately – it’s quite an honor!  Check the Guidance News section each week for news about Hall of Fame Awards.

Who attends the ceremonies?

Students nominated as having received a Hall of Fame Award, their family members, administration & staff, and occasionally, school and community volunteers as well as district staff members are in the audience cheering on the heart actions of our students.

What happens at the Hall of Fame Award Ceremony?

Parents and other family members attending, as well as our Hall of Fame students are invited to enjoy refreshments before the ceremony begins. During the ceremony, each student nominated is awarded a certificate commemorating their Heart Actions. Afterwards, a group picture is taken before our students return to their class.